Happy Days Malayalam 320kbs Songs
The movie revolves around eight youngsters, who become good friends in their freshman years when they join the college for their Bachelors in Engineering (B.E.). The life of these young minds, be it personal or that in college, is dealt with aplomb.
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The first-half deals with the relationship of these freshmen with their seniors, who try to gain an upper hand over their juniors. In the second half, the movie also shows love and affection among one another, but does not ignore to emphasize the main aim of going to the college, i.e., to evolve from a young person with fruity dreams, to a more purposeful professional.
Really amazing movie from Tollywood's most talented Director First half of the film is neat though some of us might feel that Sekhar Kammula kind of emotional scenes are not there. But in the second half of the film, he added good emotional episodes and made sure that you get connected with the film. Vzlom po lokaljnoj seti. The plus points of the film are direction, fresh cast, music, cinematography and editing. On the flip side, the pace of the film slackens at times.
Sekhar Kammula who did female oriented films like Anand and Godavari came up with a film of different genre this time. The genre might be changed, but his honesty and film-making abilities are in tact. If he sticks to his sensibilities, Sekhar Kammula can never make a bad film. Wow wurth keygen 2015.
Go and watch 'Happy Days'.