Palladium Compendium Of Contemporary Weapons Pdf

Palladium Compendium Of Contemporary Weapons Pdf Rating: 3,6/5 2276 votes

Contents [] Synopsis A super-sourcebook for all game systems The ultimate weapons reference! Suitable for use with all role-playing games of modern combat, from military to superheroes. Ideal for Palladium's Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, RECON and our upcoming Warpath: Urban Jungle™ RPG. Highlights Include: • Easily adaptable to ALL game systems!!

The Compendium of Contemporary Weapons. For use with ANY game system. Hundreds of weapons! Complete with statistical data. Revolvers and pistols. Rifles and shotguns. Machineguns and sub-machineguns. Rocket and grenades launchers and mortars. Grenades and flamethrowers. EOD, scopes, and accessories. COMPENDIUM OF MODERN FIREARMS. Written By Kevin Dockery αξ. Researched By Kevin Dockery αξαξεξ. From An Idea By Bill Fawcett.

• Over 400 weapons from around the world! • Machineguns, sub-machineguns, bazookas, LAWs, mortars. • Rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, and knives. • EOD equipment, grenades, riot control and pyrotechnic devices. • Tanks, APCs, armored cars, and light artillery. • The first book to include modern body armor. • Scopes, surveillance, special rounds and combat accessories.

• Optional rules for determining damage, shock and blood loss. • Optional hit location tables. • Every weapon is illustrated!

Art by Siembieda, Gustovich, Petersen, Miller, and Stalter. • Cover by John Zeleznik. • Written by Maryann Siembieda • 176 pages •; I.S.B.N. 0-916211-65-7 Description and cover art from, copyright???? Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

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Palladium compendium of contemporary weapons pdf 2017

Rifts®, Megaverse® and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. And Kevin Siembieda.

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All other titles and names are trademarks of Palladium Books. Contents Under Construction Artwork Cover Painting: Errata Under Construction Reviews Under Construction.